Saturday, January 4, 2014

Holy Family


Click on "Homily" above to listen to this homily.

The readings for this Mass can be found at USCCB official website

Why do we do that? Mass intentions and offerings

The Mass is a prayer offered by the priest and the people to God. In our prayers we often have an intention for which we have come. Each Mass has a specific intention that the priest either says out loud or recalls before celebrating the Mass. Each person at Mass is encouraged as well to offer an intention for the Mass they are attending.
A person can have a Mass offered for a particular intention; person, living or deceased by contacting their parish office. A donation is asked for the Mass and this is where the idea that one was buying a Mass came into play, as it does sound that way. What the donation is doing is providing for the Mass to be offered. Heat and AC are not free; nor electricity, bread and wine, candles or the other things used during the liturgy. Thus, when a person is having a Mass said for their intention what they are saying is they are willing to offer a donation so that the material things necessary for the Mass to take place are provided for.

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