Sunday, December 15, 2013

2nd Sunday of Advent


Click Homily above to listen to this homily

The readings for this Sunday can be found at USCCB official website

Why do we do that? Not have the same ending on the Our Father as some of our Protestant brothers and sisters.

When the Scriptures were written the Our Father as our Lord gave it to his disciples was recorded. Over time a doxology (and ending) was written into the margins of some of the manuscripts in which the words, "For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, now and forever." was found.
This then was placed at the end of the Our Father and ended up being added to the prayer in some versions of Scripture. The Catholic Church holds that the original Our Father did not contain these words so She does not include when we pray it. At Mass we break up the Our Father and the doxology with a short prayer by the priest.
We are not opposed to things of tradition being brought into our prayers, but it was not the Catholic Church who shortened the Our Father; it was a scribe who lengthened it.

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