Wednesday, November 20, 2013

31st Sunday Ordinary Time Year C


When you click on the word "Homily" you will be able to listen to it.

The readings can be found at USCCB website

Why do we do that? Ringing of the bells

We ring the bells at various times during the liturgy to bring people to a point of attention in the Mass. Before Vatican II the Mass was offered Ad Orientum and the churches were often large and so it was not uncommon for people to lose track of where the priest was at in the Eucharistic Prayer. Thus, the server would ring the bell to bring people to attention.
It isn't part of the rite, but it is not forbidden either. Thus, at Immaculate Conception I have the servers ring the bells three different times:
1. At the Epiclesus (when the Holy Spirit is called down upon the gifts).
2. The elevation of the host after it has been consecrated into the Body of Christ.
3. The elevation of the chalice after the wine has been consecrated into the Blood of Christ.

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